Pre-School Daily Schedule

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(This is a general schedule that is subject to change at any time
to fit the children's needs and special planned activities.)

7:00 a.m.   Free Play
8:30 a.m.   Clean up
 Circle Time (calendar, weather,
 attendance, days of the Week,
 Months of the Year, and Music Time).
9:00 a.m.   Bathroom time / Wash hands
 Morning Snacks
9:30 a.m.   Learning Activities
 (usually an art project)
10:00 a.m.   Centers and Free Play
 Outside Play (weather permitting)
10:40 a.m.   Learning Activities (alphabet lettters,
 shapes, colors, numbers, etc.)
11:00 a.m.   Movie Time
 Bathroom time / Wash hands
11:30 a.m.   Lunch
12:15 p.m.   Story time / Bathroom time if needed,
 Take off shoes and socks,
 Settle down on cots, Rest time.
2:30 p.m.   As children wake up put on shoes and socks,
 Bathroom time / Wash hands.
3:15 a.m.   Afternoon Snacks
3:45 p.m.   Inside/Outside Play (weather permitting)
 until picked up parent / guardian
We have a Bible story every Monday at rest time. 
Then, on the following day, we have an activity relating to the Bible story.   

[ Nursery Daily Schedule ]